Celebrating 30 years of doing all the right things for all the right reasons with Dave
Lawrence utilizes her lithe physicality to magnificent effect, and she can bend a tongue-twisting turn of phrase sideways before flipping it completely upside down with carnivorously jovial enthusiasm.
As slight as it is, I found Elemental to be adorable.
The Flash is aggressively okay.
I have a sneaky suspicion I’m going to be pondering the myriad ins and outs of You Hurt My Feelings for quite some time.
Much like the first film, Book Club: The Next Chapter is another easygoing lark that does zero that’s unexpected yet still generates just enough genuine laughter to make its sitcom-level simplicity bearable.
Not only is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 my favorite film of the series, but it’s also quite possibly the best entry in the entire MCU.
Switching Channels: Gender roles, the nightly news, and political malfeasance all vie for the front page in a forgotten 1988 screwball romance worthy of reappraisal
Cage’s Wagnerian theatricality as Dracula is enough to warrant the ticket price all by itself. Watching him sink his teeth into Renfield with such malevolent relish is a deliciously debauched feast worth gorging on.