Ender’s Game (2013)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 1st, 2013 - Movie ReviewsEnder’s Game looks incredible, and the cast does their collective best, but the bad taste left in my mouth after it came to an end was unavoidably loathsome.
Ender’s Game looks incredible, and the cast does their collective best, but the bad taste left in my mouth after it came to an end was unavoidably loathsome.

Elysium (2013)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 9th, 2013 - Movie ReviewsWhile the messaging is on the heavy-handed side, those who agree with Blomkamp’s statements are going to eat up his commentary on class warfare and our collective descent into a dehumanized society by the bucket loads, the filmmaker constructing arguably the most anti one-percent motion picture financed by a major Hollywood studio in recent memory.
While the messaging is on the heavy-handed side, those who agree with Blomkamp’s statements are going to eat up his commentary on class warfare and our collective descent into a dehumanized society by the bucket loads, the filmmaker constructing arguably the most anti one-percent motion picture financed by a major Hollywood studio in recent memory.

After Earth (2013)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 31st, 2013 - Movie ReviewsWithout a doubt, this big budget high-concept science fiction spectacle is Summer 2013’s first unmitigated disaster, and seeing how anyone involved creatively could walk away from this calamity unscathed is way beyond me.
Without a doubt, this big budget high-concept science fiction spectacle is Summer 2013’s first unmitigated disaster, and seeing how anyone involved creatively could walk away from this calamity unscathed is way beyond me.

Oblivion (2013)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 19th, 2013 - Movie ReviewsIt’s hard for me to say that Oblivion didn’t keep me entertained, and even though after it was over I wanted to pick all 126 minutes to pieces, while I was sitting in the theatre I was more than content to soak in the visuals and not worry about anything else.
It’s hard for me to say that Oblivion didn’t keep me entertained, and even though after it was over I wanted to pick all 126 minutes to pieces, while I was sitting in the theatre I was more than content to soak in the visuals and not worry about anything else.

Looper (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - September 28th, 2012 - Movie ReviewsLooper is Grade A sci-fi entertainment. Johnson’s film works, and like all great time travel epics, this is one adventure we’re all going to be thinking about far into the unknowable future.
Looper is Grade A sci-fi entertainment. Johnson’s film works, and like all great time travel epics, this is one adventure we’re all going to be thinking about far into the unknowable future.

Dredd (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - September 21st, 2012 - Movie ReviewsDredd didn’t do much for me, and while my final judgment is hardly as negative as it could have been, that doesn’t mean my passing of sentence labeling the film as forgettable is an endorsement people should purchase a ticket to see it in a theatre.
Dredd didn’t do much for me, and while my final judgment is hardly as negative as it could have been, that doesn’t mean my passing of sentence labeling the film as forgettable is an endorsement people should purchase a ticket to see it in a theatre.

Robot & Frank (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 31st, 2012 - Movie ReviewsWhile Robot & Frank doesn’t exactly go anyplace all that unexpected, how Schreier handles the material and the emotions he brought out of me certainly were.
While Robot & Frank doesn’t exactly go anyplace all that unexpected, how Schreier handles the material and the emotions he brought out of me certainly were.

Total Recall (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 3rd, 2012 - Movie ReviewsThere is something so rudimentary about all of the running, jumping, falling, kicking and punching, something so tired about all the crashes, booms and bangs, the resulting two-hours of this new Total Recall have an oddly antiseptic quality which makes the subsequent film instantly, and somewhat ironically, forgettable.
There is something so rudimentary about all of the running, jumping, falling, kicking and punching, something so tired about all the crashes, booms and bangs, the resulting two-hours of this new Total Recall have an oddly antiseptic quality which makes the subsequent film instantly, and somewhat ironically, forgettable.

The Watch (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - July 27th, 2012 - Movie ReviewsWhile the movie does have its share of laughs, and even though there are some inspired moments, overall The Watch is a shockingly middling affair that oftentimes feels haphazardly slapped together.
While the movie does have its share of laughs, and even though there are some inspired moments, overall The Watch is a shockingly middling affair that oftentimes feels haphazardly slapped together.