Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 23rd, 2018 - Movie Reviews

While nowhere near the superlative achievement The Force Awakens, Rogue One and The Last Jedi proved to be, this latest anthology effort is nonetheless easy to enjoy, the joyful exuberance of Solo: A Star Wars Story difficult to rebel against.

While nowhere near the superlative achievement The Force Awakens, Rogue One and The Last Jedi proved to be, this latest anthology effort is nonetheless easy to enjoy, the joyful exuberance of Solo: A Star Wars Story difficult to rebel against.

Game Night (2018)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 23rd, 2018 - Blu-ray and DVD

McAdams and Plemons are sensational, and the quality of the laughs is consistent throughout. This is a great little movie. Here’s hoping now that Game Night is on Blu-ray and DVD more people will take advantage of the opportunity to discover that for themselves.

McAdams and Plemons are sensational, and the quality of the laughs is consistent throughout. This is a great little movie. Here’s hoping now that Game Night is on Blu-ray and DVD more people will take advantage of the opportunity to discover that for themselves.

Deadpool 2 (2018)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 16th, 2018 - Movie Reviews

What I will say is that, much like the first film, I’m totally fine with Deadpool 2, readily enjoying much of it. But that still doesn’t mean I plan on revisiting this sequel anytime soon.

What I will say is that, much like the first film, I’m totally fine with Deadpool 2, readily enjoying much of it. But that still doesn’t mean I plan on revisiting this sequel anytime soon.

Breaking In (2018)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 11th, 2018 - Movie Reviews

I found Breaking In to be spectacularly difficult to sit through, it’s overall mediocrity a continual source of frustration that I kept feeling long after the film itself had come to its anemically dispiriting end.

I found Breaking In to be spectacularly difficult to sit through, it’s overall mediocrity a continual source of frustration that I kept feeling long after the film itself had come to its anemically dispiriting end.

Life of the Party (2018)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 11th, 2018 - Movie Reviews

Even if Life of the Party isn’t a film I’m going to be thinking about much longer than the time it takes to write this review, it still makes me feel good enough that I’m happy I gave it a look, the overall positivity with which Deanna chooses to live her life undeniably infectious.

Even if Life of the Party isn’t a film I’m going to be thinking about much longer than the time it takes to write this review, it still makes me feel good enough that I’m happy I gave it a look, the overall positivity with which Deanna chooses to live her life undeniably infectious.

Desolation (2017)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 8th, 2018 - Blu-ray and DVD

Desolation is an undeniably creepy film, and the unexplainable nature of the threat tracking every move Abby, Sam and Jen make couldn’t help but make my skin crawl. Sam Patton has made a fine little independent shocker genre fans are almost certain to enjoy, this backpacking horror opus a chilling thriller I’m happy I took the time to revisit.

Desolation is an undeniably creepy film, and the unexplainable nature of the threat tracking every move Abby, Sam and Jen make couldn’t help but make my skin crawl. Sam Patton has made a fine little independent shocker genre fans are almost certain to enjoy, this backpacking horror opus a chilling thriller I’m happy I took the time to revisit.

La Belle Noiseuse (1991)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 8th, 2018 - Blu-ray and DVD

While I certainly have to be in the mood to give La Belle Noiseuse a look, this film is still one stunning examination of art and artistry that I find more and more to revel in, mull over and adore each time I do. This new restoration is as pristine as it is magnificent, Cohen Media’s Blu-ray presentation by all accounts perfect.

While I certainly have to be in the mood to give La Belle Noiseuse a look, this film is still one stunning examination of art and artistry that I find more and more to revel in, mull over and adore each time I do. This new restoration is as pristine as it is magnificent, Cohen Media’s Blu-ray presentation by all accounts perfect.

“RBG” – Interview with Julie Cohen and Betsy West

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 3rd, 2018 - Interviews

“Her story, it gives us as human beings something to aspire to. If people watched this film and had thoughts about how you deal with adversity, learn ways of how to be civil with friends or with colleagues that disagree with you, then I think we’d feel good about that. Justice Ginsburg’s example is a good one to aspire to.”
-Julie Cohen

“Her story, it gives us as human beings something to aspire to. If people watched this film and had thoughts about how you deal with adversity, learn ways of how to be civil with friends or with colleagues that disagree with you, then I think we’d feel good about that. Justice Ginsburg’s example is a good one to aspire to.”
-Julie Cohen

RBG (2018)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 3rd, 2018 - Movie Reviews

Make no mistake, RBG is massively enjoyable, watching Justice Ginsburg live her best life as joyous a spectacle as anything I’ll likely have the pleasure to sit through this year.

Make no mistake, RBG is massively enjoyable, watching Justice Ginsburg live her best life as joyous a spectacle as anything I’ll likely have the pleasure to sit through this year.

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