Her (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 20th, 2013 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

Her a Timely Spectacle of Intimacy, Heartbreak and Understanding Spike Jonze is as singular and as original a filmmaker as there is working today. The man behind such iridescent achievements as Being John Malkovich and Adaptation, the idiosyncratic filmmaker has outdone himself with the beguiling, multifaceted science fiction-influenced love story Her. Set in a Los […]

Her a Timely Spectacle of Intimacy, Heartbreak and Understanding Spike Jonze is as singular and as original a filmmaker as there is working today. The man behind such iridescent achievements as Being John Malkovich and Adaptation, the idiosyncratic filmmaker has outdone himself with the beguiling, multifaceted science fiction-influenced love story Her. Set in a Los […]

Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 20th, 2013 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

Inside Llewyn Davis revels in its own lyrical idiosyncrasies, each note a tuneful reminder that the songs we sing secretly to ourselves are oftentimes full of bigger lies than the ones we happily hum out loud for the rest of the world to mindlessly listen to.

Inside Llewyn Davis revels in its own lyrical idiosyncrasies, each note a tuneful reminder that the songs we sing secretly to ourselves are oftentimes full of bigger lies than the ones we happily hum out loud for the rest of the world to mindlessly listen to.

Walking with Dinosaurs (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 20th, 2013 - Movie Reviews

Walking with Dinosaurs is an uneasy combination of scientific exploration, documentary and fictional adventure, and as visually marvelous as much of this is the emotional content is so prehistoric it might as well be extinct.

Walking with Dinosaurs is an uneasy combination of scientific exploration, documentary and fictional adventure, and as visually marvelous as much of this is the emotional content is so prehistoric it might as well be extinct.

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 18th, 2013 - Movie Reviews

I didn’t care for Anchorman 2. But unlike its predecessor I didn’t outright detest it, either. While there are some funny bits, while many of the buried satirical sentiments do hit their mark, overall Ferrell’s latest scattershot comedic enterprise just isn’t my particular brand of Scotch.

I didn’t care for Anchorman 2. But unlike its predecessor I didn’t outright detest it, either. While there are some funny bits, while many of the buried satirical sentiments do hit their mark, overall Ferrell’s latest scattershot comedic enterprise just isn’t my particular brand of Scotch.

American Hustle (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 13th, 2013 - Movie Reviews

[American Hustle] plays like some bizarre, retro 70s-style amalgam of Dog Day Afternoon, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Donnie Brasco and Ocean’s Eleven, Russell mashing up genres and styles with skillfully energetic enthusiasm. He and Singer use a real F.B.I. sting operation as basis to go hog wild, taking a gifted ensemble of actors and giving them complicated characters to inhabit where nothing is ever what it seems and anything can happen to the lot of them at any given time.

[American Hustle] plays like some bizarre, retro 70s-style amalgam of Dog Day Afternoon, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Donnie Brasco and Ocean’s Eleven, Russell mashing up genres and styles with skillfully energetic enthusiasm. He and Singer use a real F.B.I. sting operation as basis to go hog wild, taking a gifted ensemble of actors and giving them complicated characters to inhabit where nothing is ever what it seems and anything can happen to the lot of them at any given time.

The Armstrong Lie (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 13th, 2013 - Movie Reviews

The Armstrong Lie is a nice film, at times even a fascinating one, it’s just not essential, and that’s as strong a truth as any to be found in any single one of this picture’s 124 investigative and observational minutes.

The Armstrong Lie is a nice film, at times even a fascinating one, it’s just not essential, and that’s as strong a truth as any to be found in any single one of this picture’s 124 investigative and observational minutes.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 13th, 2013 - Movie Reviews

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug plays more like a cliffhanger to a popular television show than it does a motion picture, and with that being the case I can’t imagine wanting to watch it on its own sans its two bookends at any point in the foreseeable future.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug plays more like a cliffhanger to a popular television show than it does a motion picture, and with that being the case I can’t imagine wanting to watch it on its own sans its two bookends at any point in the foreseeable future.

Saving Mr. Banks (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 13th, 2013 - Movie Reviews

Not perfect, mind you, not supercalifragalistic….well, you know the rest…but wonderful all the same, this look behind Disney’s curtain a thoroughly entertaining enterprise worth flying kites to the highest heights in order to see.

Not perfect, mind you, not supercalifragalistic….well, you know the rest…but wonderful all the same, this look behind Disney’s curtain a thoroughly entertaining enterprise worth flying kites to the highest heights in order to see.

Trap for Cinderella (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 13th, 2013 - Movie Reviews

Trap for Cinderella kept me at arm’s length, Softley crafting a motion picture I can in most ways respect even though it was also one I seldom, if ever, fully enjoyed.

Trap for Cinderella kept me at arm’s length, Softley crafting a motion picture I can in most ways respect even though it was also one I seldom, if ever, fully enjoyed.

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