Seeking Justice (2011)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 16th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

If only Seeking Justice was even moderately worthwhile. It has a rudimentary made-for-Cable feel that, while certainly not off-putting, is still rather laughable.

If only Seeking Justice was even moderately worthwhile. It has a rudimentary made-for-Cable feel that, while certainly not off-putting, is still rather laughable.

“Being Flynn” – Interview with Paul Weitz

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 15th, 2012 - Interviews

“I want them to think about their lives, about their parents, about how it all fits together. Everybody has humor, some sense of irony about their own lives, something that gets them up in the morning. I find that very realistic and a great lesson on how to get along in life.”
– Paul Weitz

“I want them to think about their lives, about their parents, about how it all fits together. Everybody has humor, some sense of irony about their own lives, something that gets them up in the morning. I find that very realistic and a great lesson on how to get along in life.”
– Paul Weitz

Friends with Kids (2011)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 9th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

If not for a final scene that left me vacillating between perplexed, bewildered, enchanted and annoyed (not necessarily in the that order), I’d probably be calling Jennifer Westfeldt’s directorial debut Friends with Kids an early contender for one of 2012’s best films.

If not for a final scene that left me vacillating between perplexed, bewildered, enchanted and annoyed (not necessarily in the that order), I’d probably be calling Jennifer Westfeldt’s directorial debut Friends with Kids an early contender for one of 2012’s best films.

John Carter (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 9th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

John Carter is a treat, and here’s one vote hoping that box office receipts are high enough Disney decides a second trip to Barsoom ends up being a worthwhile investment.

John Carter is a treat, and here’s one vote hoping that box office receipts are high enough Disney decides a second trip to Barsoom ends up being a worthwhile investment.

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 9th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

But Salmon Fishing in the Yemen never swims against the current, doesn’t head upstream in an unconventional way, and as such the goodwill spawned during the initial migration frustratingly vanishes by the time this absurd romantic journey comes to its end.

But Salmon Fishing in the Yemen never swims against the current, doesn’t head upstream in an unconventional way, and as such the goodwill spawned during the initial migration frustratingly vanishes by the time this absurd romantic journey comes to its end.

Silent House (2011)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 9th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

No matter what one thinks of Silent House itself, the actress’ magnificence is never in doubt, and to call this the first great performance of 2012 would be a massive understatement.

No matter what one thinks of Silent House itself, the actress’ magnificence is never in doubt, and to call this the first great performance of 2012 would be a massive understatement.

Sound of Noise (2010)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 9th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Sound of Noise is nothing short of a cacophony of sound, fury, silence, ingenuity and inspiration, the entire plot revolving around a scenario that’s as silly as it is absurd.

Sound of Noise is nothing short of a cacophony of sound, fury, silence, ingenuity and inspiration, the entire plot revolving around a scenario that’s as silly as it is absurd.

Being Flynn (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 2nd, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Even with my reservations this is a movie I know I’ll see again. More than that, I want to see Being Flynn again. It’s captured a corner of my imagination, and for all my mixed feelings that’s a trait I’ll happily celebrate now and far into the foreseeable future.

Even with my reservations this is a movie I know I’ll see again. More than that, I want to see Being Flynn again. It’s captured a corner of my imagination, and for all my mixed feelings that’s a trait I’ll happily celebrate now and far into the foreseeable future.

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - March 2nd, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax doesn’t speak for anyone, no one at all, and if it does have a tongue it’s tied itself into so many knots trying to decipher its points beyond the obvious ones is infuriatingly hopeless.

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax doesn’t speak for anyone, no one at all, and if it does have a tongue it’s tied itself into so many knots trying to decipher its points beyond the obvious ones is infuriatingly hopeless.

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