“These women had a mature and complicated relationship. They were equals, collaborators, friends and lovers. This was a moment in their lives, one that made a massive impression upon both of them.”
– Chanya Button
In my opinion this feature’s excellence isn’t up for debate, and to paraphrase one of the two authors if books are the mirrors of the soul than Vita & Virginia is a looking glass overflowing in unvarnished reason and romantically comprehensive understanding everyone needs to see.
For everything Ode to Joy gets right there’s so much that can’t help but ring false, facile and slightly distasteful about this endeavor, the bad taste it left in my mouth after it had concluded one that took a little while to dissipate.
“We don’t have any expectations for our pets. We’re going to love our dog. Even if our dog craps on the floor, we’re going to love our dog. Even if our dog eats our best shoes, we’re going to love our dog.”
– Garth Stein
While there are enough plusses to make The Art of Racing in the Rain moderately agreeable and not particularly difficult to watch, as far as the greater whole is concerned the inelegant mediocrity of its interpersonal human maturations is unquestionably calamitous.
The last third of Yesterday is an ineffectual slog that wastes the talents of its stars, and as breezy, inoffensively enjoyable and as adorably light as so much of this was to suddenly hear it hit so many sour notes was undeniably disappointing, my emotions gently weeping the more I keep thinking about it.
Photograph is a beautiful snapshot of romantic longing and human understanding that’s nothing less than glorious, watching it a rapturously intimate pleasure I didn’t want to end.
The Sun is Also a Star is definitely a case study in how a terrible ending can lead an otherwise fine motion picture down the road to disaster, and the more I continue to think about it the angrier I seem to get.
Ultimately it is Rogen and especially Theron that make Long Shot work as well as it does…The two stars are delightful, and if they ever decide to team up again in the future I’ll certainly cast my vote stating this would be something I’d be willing to purchase a ticket to see.