The Cell (2000)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - July 6th, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

It’s creepy, upsetting, emotional and fascinating, all pretty much at the same time, and if ever a movie could make the case for its style being enough to compensate for its lack of substance [The Cell (2000)] would arguably be it.

It’s creepy, upsetting, emotional and fascinating, all pretty much at the same time, and if ever a movie could make the case for its style being enough to compensate for its lack of substance [The Cell (2000)] would arguably be it.

Alien Outpost (2015)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - July 2nd, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

Alien Outpost holds up surprisingly well the second time around. While not a great or terribly profound motion picture, it’s still far more entertaining than it maybe has any right to be, and as such I’m quite happy to add the Blu-ray to my personal library.

Alien Outpost holds up surprisingly well the second time around. While not a great or terribly profound motion picture, it’s still far more entertaining than it maybe has any right to be, and as such I’m quite happy to add the Blu-ray to my personal library.

Spirited Away (2001)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 30th, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is one of the greatest animated films ever made. Period.

Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is one of the greatest animated films ever made. Period.

While We’re Young (2015)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 30th, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

Stiller and especially Watts continue to amaze, the latter so much so I’m starting to think she’s worthy of award consideration come the end of the year (it won’t happen but I’m not going to let that stop me from dreaming that it potentially could all the same). I like [While We’re Young], flaws and all, and in many ways this might just be the most accessible motion picture Baumbach has ever directed.

Stiller and especially Watts continue to amaze, the latter so much so I’m starting to think she’s worthy of award consideration come the end of the year (it won’t happen but I’m not going to let that stop me from dreaming that it potentially could all the same). I like [While We’re Young], flaws and all, and in many ways this might just be the most accessible motion picture Baumbach has ever directed.

The Cat Returns (2002)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 30th, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

The Cat Returns might not be Studio Ghibli at its absolute best but that still makes it one of the better animated efforts young, old and everyone in-between alike are likely ever to see. Disney’s presentation is stellar, and as such fans are urged to snatch this Blu-ray up the very second it goes on sale.

The Cat Returns might not be Studio Ghibli at its absolute best but that still makes it one of the better animated efforts young, old and everyone in-between alike are likely ever to see. Disney’s presentation is stellar, and as such fans are urged to snatch this Blu-ray up the very second it goes on sale.

Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 28th, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

[Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers] has plenty of lo-fi charm, and while its central exploitive elements aren’t anywhere near as questionable as the first film’s it still has enough blatantly in-your-face material to satisfy even the most demanding of genre fans for the majority (but not all) of its brief 80 minute running time.

[Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers] has plenty of lo-fi charm, and while its central exploitive elements aren’t anywhere near as questionable as the first film’s it still has enough blatantly in-your-face material to satisfy even the most demanding of genre fans for the majority (but not all) of its brief 80 minute running time.

Wolfen (1981) – Warner Archive

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 22nd, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

I don’t care what the haters say, I love Wolfen…It’s filled with exquisite moments that get my pulse racing and bring a smile to my face. Warner Archive’s Blu-ray presentation is sensational, and even with no special features to speak of this is a disc fans should have been racing to get their hands on the moment it went on sale.

I don’t care what the haters say, I love Wolfen…It’s filled with exquisite moments that get my pulse racing and bring a smile to my face. Warner Archive’s Blu-ray presentation is sensational, and even with no special features to speak of this is a disc fans should have been racing to get their hands on the moment it went on sale.

Timbuktu (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 22nd, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

Intimate, profound and deeply emotional, this is a magnificent portrait of world events and how religious fundamentalism is perverting theological dogma in order to feed its own insidious hunger, director Abderrahmane Sissako delivering a character-driven stunner that only gets better with each subsequent viewing. Magnificent.

Intimate, profound and deeply emotional, this is a magnificent portrait of world events and how religious fundamentalism is perverting theological dogma in order to feed its own insidious hunger, director Abderrahmane Sissako delivering a character-driven stunner that only gets better with each subsequent viewing. Magnificent.

The Wire: The Complete Series (2002-2008)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 19th, 2015 - Blu-ray and DVD

I’d never watched HBO’s The Wire before receiving this complete series package in the mail for review, I now can’t imagine living in a world where it does not exist. Living up to the hype, I get why many consider this the greatest series in the history of television.

I’d never watched HBO’s The Wire before receiving this complete series package in the mail for review, I now can’t imagine living in a world where it does not exist. Living up to the hype, I get why many consider this the greatest series in the history of television.

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