The Lost City of Z (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 21st, 2017 - Movie Reviews

The Lost City of Z is a rapturous achievement worthy of discovery, its enigmatic brilliance of a sublime majesty unique in and of itself.

The Lost City of Z is a rapturous achievement worthy of discovery, its enigmatic brilliance of a sublime majesty unique in and of itself.

The Promise (2017)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 21st, 2017 - Movie Reviews

The Promise never delivers on its potential, this infuriating wannabe epic failing to make the kind of long-lasting impression all involved in its production clearly hoped it would.

The Promise never delivers on its potential, this infuriating wannabe epic failing to make the kind of long-lasting impression all involved in its production clearly hoped it would.

Graduation (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 20th, 2017 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

A profound drama that transcends cultural barriers in ways that are recognizable and poignant, the film’s power is lasting, pure and decidedly genuine. Graduation casts a spell that is impossible to break, the shattering impact of what ultimately transpires a universal call to action that’s brutally clear no matter what language is being spoken.

A profound drama that transcends cultural barriers in ways that are recognizable and poignant, the film’s power is lasting, pure and decidedly genuine. Graduation casts a spell that is impossible to break, the shattering impact of what ultimately transpires a universal call to action that’s brutally clear no matter what language is being spoken.

Colossal (2017)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 19th, 2017 - Movie Reviews

Once the tone grows serious, the moment characters begin to reveal who they are and openly state what lengths they’re willing to go to in order to achieve their desires, Vigalondo does not pull his punches. Because of this, Colossal is uniquely fascinating, this kaiju comedy secretly an emotionally crushing monster of a relationship melodrama that’s as intimately human as it is cathartically humane.

Once the tone grows serious, the moment characters begin to reveal who they are and openly state what lengths they’re willing to go to in order to achieve their desires, Vigalondo does not pull his punches. Because of this, Colossal is uniquely fascinating, this kaiju comedy secretly an emotionally crushing monster of a relationship melodrama that’s as intimately human as it is cathartically humane.

Gifted (2017)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 14th, 2017 - Movie Reviews

Featuring what might be Evans’ best performance as well as a breakout turn by pint-sized starlet Grace, this little gem had me wrapped around its finger right from the start, and to say I loved Gifted wouldn’t be stretching the truth one iota.

Featuring what might be Evans’ best performance as well as a breakout turn by pint-sized starlet Grace, this little gem had me wrapped around its finger right from the start, and to say I loved Gifted wouldn’t be stretching the truth one iota.

The Fate of the Furious (2017)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 13th, 2017 - Movie Reviews

The Fate of the Furious will appease longtime fans of the series, the sequel just well made enough that the fact this franchise’s tank is starting to get perilously close to empty doesn’t feel as big a problem as it honestly should. Personally, I am getting a little tired of it all, and while I appreciated and thrilled to a number of moments, and while I’d honestly love to see a spin-off adventure featuring Johnson and Statham and no one else, I just as genuinely am not so certain I’m up for two more of these films.

The Fate of the Furious will appease longtime fans of the series, the sequel just well made enough that the fact this franchise’s tank is starting to get perilously close to empty doesn’t feel as big a problem as it honestly should. Personally, I am getting a little tired of it all, and while I appreciated and thrilled to a number of moments, and while I’d honestly love to see a spin-off adventure featuring Johnson and Statham and no one else, I just as genuinely am not so certain I’m up for two more of these films.

Queen of the Desert (2015)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 9th, 2017 - Movie Reviews

Queen of the Desert is a picturesque travelogue that never reveals anything about Bell that isn’t readily apparent right there on the surface, the script never digging deep enough to reveal the myriad of nuances that drove this woman to such spectacular, world-shaping heights.

Queen of the Desert is a picturesque travelogue that never reveals anything about Bell that isn’t readily apparent right there on the surface, the script never digging deep enough to reveal the myriad of nuances that drove this woman to such spectacular, world-shaping heights.

Aftermath (2017)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 7th, 2017 - Movie Reviews

Despite a fantastic opening act, even with Schwarzenegger delivering one of the best performances of his career, Aftermath proves to be a massive letdown, never crafting an atmosphere that felt authentic and pure. I just don’t think the film is any good, the potential it hints at in its early sequences going to waste, and as such I found the finished product almost impossible not to be disappointed in.

Despite a fantastic opening act, even with Schwarzenegger delivering one of the best performances of his career, Aftermath proves to be a massive letdown, never crafting an atmosphere that felt authentic and pure. I just don’t think the film is any good, the potential it hints at in its early sequences going to waste, and as such I found the finished product almost impossible not to be disappointed in.

The Assignment (2017)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 7th, 2017 - Movie Reviews

While I’m happy Hill has such progressive beliefs as they pertain to gender identity, I’d have been even happier had he and Hamill written a thriller worthy of such open-mindedness, The Assignment nothing more than a maddening grindhouse disappointment.

While I’m happy Hill has such progressive beliefs as they pertain to gender identity, I’d have been even happier had he and Hamill written a thriller worthy of such open-mindedness, The Assignment nothing more than a maddening grindhouse disappointment.

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