The Lunchbox (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 28th, 2014 - Movie Reviews

Emotionally Inspiring Lunchbox a Tasty Delight Ila (Nimrat Kaur) is looking to spice up her life with inattentive husband Rajeev (Nakul Vaid). With the help of upstairs Auntie (Bharati Achrekar) she begins putting together complicated, obsessively composed lunchtime meals for him, throwing in as much attention, care and, yes, love into them as she can […]

Emotionally Inspiring Lunchbox a Tasty Delight Ila (Nimrat Kaur) is looking to spice up her life with inattentive husband Rajeev (Nakul Vaid). With the help of upstairs Auntie (Bharati Achrekar) she begins putting together complicated, obsessively composed lunchtime meals for him, throwing in as much attention, care and, yes, love into them as she can […]

Almost Human (2013)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 28th, 2014 - Movie Reviews

He and his team make an unabashedly nasty body invasion creature feature, mixing styles, ideas and genres with whiplash speed and fearless confidence. For those who enjoy this sort of thing [Almost Human] is a blood-splattered, human viscera-filled hoot, and without a doubt ends up being the kind of entertainment worthy of multiple viewings even though the gross-out factor is exceedingly high.

He and his team make an unabashedly nasty body invasion creature feature, mixing styles, ideas and genres with whiplash speed and fearless confidence. For those who enjoy this sort of thing [Almost Human] is a blood-splattered, human viscera-filled hoot, and without a doubt ends up being the kind of entertainment worthy of multiple viewings even though the gross-out factor is exceedingly high.

Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 21st, 2014 - Movie Reviews

Joyous Shoot Me an Inspired Comedic Biography I’m not sure it’s possible to dislike Elaine Stritch. The Tony and Emmy Award winning comedian, now in her 80s, is as vital and as confident as ever, her joie de vivre and zest for living life as apparent now as it has ever been at any point […]

Joyous Shoot Me an Inspired Comedic Biography I’m not sure it’s possible to dislike Elaine Stritch. The Tony and Emmy Award winning comedian, now in her 80s, is as vital and as confident as ever, her joie de vivre and zest for living life as apparent now as it has ever been at any point […]

Pompeii (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 21st, 2014 - Movie Reviews

Pompeii is better than it has any right to be, especially considering the director’s track record, but that just makes its descent into lunacy, madness and melodramatic excess all the more off-putting, the movie sadly nothing more than a volcanic disappointment that lays waste to almost all of its more laudable and celebratory properties.

Pompeii is better than it has any right to be, especially considering the director’s track record, but that just makes its descent into lunacy, madness and melodramatic excess all the more off-putting, the movie sadly nothing more than a volcanic disappointment that lays waste to almost all of its more laudable and celebratory properties.

The Wind Rises (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 21st, 2014 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

This movie is a titanic achievement that I’m still mulling over, so many pieces of it speaking with such unabashed eloquence calling the finished film an instant classic is almost a no-brainer.

This movie is a titanic achievement that I’m still mulling over, so many pieces of it speaking with such unabashed eloquence calling the finished film an instant classic is almost a no-brainer.

Winter’s Tale (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 14th, 2014 - Movie Reviews

Head-Scratching Winter’s Tale an Unforgivable Disaster Wow. Double-wow. Wow with cream and sugar and as many other syrupy, saccharine and calorie-filled toppings that I can think of slathered shamelessly on top. Honestly? I don’t know what to say. Winter’s Tale, as handsomely mounted as it is, as wonderfully acted as it might be (save an […]

Head-Scratching Winter’s Tale an Unforgivable Disaster Wow. Double-wow. Wow with cream and sugar and as many other syrupy, saccharine and calorie-filled toppings that I can think of slathered shamelessly on top. Honestly? I don’t know what to say. Winter’s Tale, as handsomely mounted as it is, as wonderfully acted as it might be (save an […]

About Last Night (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 14th, 2014 - Movie Reviews

About Last Night is superior to the 1986 version, and while not every facet of it is fresh or revealing, that doesn’t make the remake any less entertaining.

About Last Night is superior to the 1986 version, and while not every facet of it is fresh or revealing, that doesn’t make the remake any less entertaining.

The Artist and the Model (2012) (Blu-ray)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 14th, 2014 - Blu-ray and DVD

Understated, profound, moving and beautiful, Trueba’s latest is a divine examination of the creation process set amidst unimaginable strife and turmoil. In all the ways that matter most, The Artist and the Model is the director’s best film yet.

Understated, profound, moving and beautiful, Trueba’s latest is a divine examination of the creation process set amidst unimaginable strife and turmoil. In all the ways that matter most, The Artist and the Model is the director’s best film yet.

Robocop (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 12th, 2014 - Movie Reviews

Reimagined RoboCop Back Laying Down the Law There’s no doubt that a big budget remake of director Paul Verhoeven’s 1987 satirical, hyper-violent 1987 sci-fi classic RoboCop always felt like a bad idea. There was no way a Hollywood studio, in this case Sony Pictures and MGM, would allow any of the deep, dark, unsentimentally brutal […]

Reimagined RoboCop Back Laying Down the Law There’s no doubt that a big budget remake of director Paul Verhoeven’s 1987 satirical, hyper-violent 1987 sci-fi classic RoboCop always felt like a bad idea. There was no way a Hollywood studio, in this case Sony Pictures and MGM, would allow any of the deep, dark, unsentimentally brutal […]

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