Premium Rush is worth the price of admission and then some, this flick a two-wheeled thrill ride I can’t wait to see again.
It’s bravura filmmaking, and without question Compliance is one of the finest features I’ll likely see in all of 2012.
Cosmopolis may be a mess, but it’s still something of a glorious one, and for those willing to take the ride they’ll have ridden shotgun in a journey they’re unlikely to forget anytime soon.
The Expendables 2 is a testosterone-fueled wank-fest, the film nothing more than an excuse for Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis, Van Damme and the rest of the cast to revel in their R-rated glory days.
The moral of this story is universal and, especially in a heated election season filled with double-speak, specious innuendo and outright lies, everyone everywhere should listen to.
Sparkle is a turgid slog of clichés, facile melodrama and missed opportunities.
There is magic happening here, maybe just enough to make The Odd Life of Timothy Green a motion picture I’ll revisit in the future and think even better of the second time around.
It’s all a great deal of fun, but there is also no avoiding that The Bourne Legacy, an expansion of the universe begun with The Bourne Identity, does feel a bit inconsequential.
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry isn’t perfect, but I’m not sure it needed to be, a man as complicated and as intriguing as Weiwei a fascinating enigma whom a complete picture of might never be developed.