Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 18th, 2022 - Movie Reviews

As stupendously staged as the gore-drenched violence may be, this new Texas Chainsaw Massacre still turned my stomach for all the wrong reasons.

As stupendously staged as the gore-drenched violence may be, this new Texas Chainsaw Massacre still turned my stomach for all the wrong reasons.

Uncharted (2022)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 18th, 2022 - Movie Reviews

For fans of each of treasure hunter Nathan Drake’s incredibly convoluted adventures, Uncharted is likely going to feel like a bona fide disaster.

For fans of each of treasure hunter Nathan Drake’s incredibly convoluted adventures, Uncharted is likely going to feel like a bona fide disaster.

Death on the Nile (2022)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 11th, 2022 - Movie Reviews

Branagh remains a sublime Poirot, and his direction of the material is frequently marvelous.

Branagh remains a sublime Poirot, and his direction of the material is frequently marvelous.

Marry Me (2022)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 11th, 2022 - Movie Reviews

I was captivated from start to finish, and if I could have watched Marry Me again from the beginning the moment after it had concluded I would have done so.

I was captivated from start to finish, and if I could have watched Marry Me again from the beginning the moment after it had concluded I would have done so.

Catch the Fair One (2021)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 10th, 2022 - Movie Reviews

Catch the Fair One is essential. It is also a brutal knockout worthy of multiple viewings.

Catch the Fair One is essential. It is also a brutal knockout worthy of multiple viewings.

Kimi (2022)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 10th, 2022 - Movie Reviews

Kimi is a well-paced jolt of adrenaline that remembers to put character first, all without skimping on a single ounce of suspense.

Kimi is a well-paced jolt of adrenaline that remembers to put character first, all without skimping on a single ounce of suspense.

Apex (2021) (Blu-ray)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 8th, 2022 - Blu-ray and DVD

Apex is a bad movie. This Blu-ray release looks and sounds fine, but I still can’t recommend anyone pick it up, even as a curiosity.

Apex is a bad movie. This Blu-ray release looks and sounds fine, but I still can’t recommend anyone pick it up, even as a curiosity.

Jackass Forever (2022)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 3rd, 2022 - Movie Reviews

Is this a great motion picture? No. Of course not. Did watching it make me happy? Yes, to an almost impossible to describe degree.

Is this a great motion picture? No. Of course not. Did watching it make me happy? Yes, to an almost impossible to describe degree.

Moonfall (2022)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - February 3rd, 2022 - Movie Reviews

If you go into Moonfall not knowing what to expect you only have yourself to blame.

If you go into Moonfall not knowing what to expect you only have yourself to blame.

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