In what has become known as the “Summer of Sequels,” Universal Pictures, director Greengrass and star Damon have thankfully saved the very best for last, The Bourne Ultimatum a knock-out stunner I’ve been waiting since May to see.
Once is a musical triumph I’ll be singing the praises of for decades to come.
Zodiac might just end up being Fincher’s masterpiece, and I’ll be curious to see how it withstands the test of time as I’m all but certain this is one thriller we’ll all be waxing poetic about for decades to come.
The movie is a fearlessly unsettling descent into voyeuristic madness overflowing in comedy, drama, tension and insight. It obliterated all my expectations, The Lives of Others a stunning masterwork that marks the arrival of an important filmmaker worth keeping an eye on.
Few films are either as magical or as enchanting as Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth. At the same time, few fairy tales are as perverse, terrifying or as deeply disturbing.
Children of Men is a stunning powerhouse, and it is almost impossible to grasp all it is attempting to say in just a single viewing.
Almodóvar has crafted an instant classic. Volver is miraculous, a joyous enterprise running the emotional gauntlet like no other melodrama I’ve seen in ages.
The Descent is a freefall into fear not to be missed.
I can’t stop shaking.