“Safety Not Guaranteed” – Interview with Colin Trevorrow
by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 7th, 2012 - Film Festivals Interviews“Safety Not Guaranteed is personal. It is intimate. It is about the emotional needs the idea of time travel satisfies. I feel it is an honest movie that speaks to what people are going through in their everyday lives. It doesn’t feel manufactured.”
– Colin Trevorrow
“Safety Not Guaranteed is personal. It is intimate. It is about the emotional needs the idea of time travel satisfies. I feel it is an honest movie that speaks to what people are going through in their everyday lives. It doesn’t feel manufactured.”
– Colin Trevorrow

The Intouchables (2011)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 1st, 2012 - Film Festivals Movie ReviewsThe Intouchables balances precipitously at the edge of melodramatic excess yet somehow never falls over into that particular ravine.
The Intouchables balances precipitously at the edge of melodramatic excess yet somehow never falls over into that particular ravine.

Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 1st, 2012 - Movie ReviewsWhile not without faults, this feminist take on the classic Grimm tale is undeniably bewitching, and of 2012’s dueling adaptations, both of which ended up worthy of my attention, Snow White and the Huntsman is the fairest of the duo and the one I look forward to revisiting in the future.
While not without faults, this feminist take on the classic Grimm tale is undeniably bewitching, and of 2012’s dueling adaptations, both of which ended up worthy of my attention, Snow White and the Huntsman is the fairest of the duo and the one I look forward to revisiting in the future.

Men in Black 3 (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 25th, 2012 - Movie ReviewsWhat is shocking is just how entertaining Men in Black 3 turns out to be, and even though as sequels go it’s highly unnecessary, that didn’t make the smile on my face after watching it invisible.
What is shocking is just how entertaining Men in Black 3 turns out to be, and even though as sequels go it’s highly unnecessary, that didn’t make the smile on my face after watching it invisible.

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 25th, 2012 - Film Festivals Movie ReviewsMoonrise Kingdom has the potential to be a movie I’ll be pondering, mulling over and thinking about for the remainder of 2012. When all is said and done it might even enter into the upper echelon of the Wes Anderson canon.
Moonrise Kingdom has the potential to be a movie I’ll be pondering, mulling over and thinking about for the remainder of 2012. When all is said and done it might even enter into the upper echelon of the Wes Anderson canon.

Battleship (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 18th, 2012 - Movie ReviewsBattleship is pure cheese, and while that doesn’t make it good that also doesn’t make it a disaster, and while the proceedings are certainly waterlogged beyond repair that doesn’t mean the vessel itself is in danger of sinking.
Battleship is pure cheese, and while that doesn’t make it good that also doesn’t make it a disaster, and while the proceedings are certainly waterlogged beyond repair that doesn’t mean the vessel itself is in danger of sinking.

Bernie (2011)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 18th, 2012 - Movie ReviewsBernie is simply unlike anything else out there making its way through the multiplexes right now. It is unique and tells a story many have never heard about with intelligence, style and panache.
Bernie is simply unlike anything else out there making its way through the multiplexes right now. It is unique and tells a story many have never heard about with intelligence, style and panache.

The Dictator (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 18th, 2012 - Movie ReviewsWhile not great satire, The Dictator is still pretty good, and it doesn’t take a despot to urge those partial to this type of humor to take a chance on the comedy and buy a matinee ticket.
While not great satire, The Dictator is still pretty good, and it doesn’t take a despot to urge those partial to this type of humor to take a chance on the comedy and buy a matinee ticket.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting (2012)
by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 18th, 2012 - Movie ReviewsI don’t know what I expected walking into What to Expect When You’re Expecting, but walking out I did know what I’d gotten, this comedic misfire an unfortunate waste of time I’d rather not have seen in the first place.
I don’t know what I expected walking into What to Expect When You’re Expecting, but walking out I did know what I’d gotten, this comedic misfire an unfortunate waste of time I’d rather not have seen in the first place.