Doctor Strange (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 4th, 2016 - Movie Reviews

I almost can’t wait to see this master of the mystic arts return for another adventure, and not just alongside the Avengers, Doctor Stephen Strange a mysteriously fascinating firebrand of courage and curiosity deserving of future solo outings into the unknown sooner rather than later.

I almost can’t wait to see this master of the mystic arts return for another adventure, and not just alongside the Avengers, Doctor Stephen Strange a mysteriously fascinating firebrand of courage and curiosity deserving of future solo outings into the unknown sooner rather than later.

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 4th, 2016 - Movie Reviews

Hacksaw Ridge is Mel Gibson’s (Apocalypto) return to the director’s chair for the first time in a decade, the Oscar-winner for Braveheart making his way back onto the battlefield to showcase a story of courage, combat and faith that’s unlike few other WWII stories.

Hacksaw Ridge is Mel Gibson’s (Apocalypto) return to the director’s chair for the first time in a decade, the Oscar-winner for Braveheart making his way back onto the battlefield to showcase a story of courage, combat and faith that’s unlike few other WWII stories.

The Handmaiden (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 4th, 2016 - Movie Reviews

The Handmaiden is a glorious achievement, one filled with a number of unparalleled delights that only get richer and more meaningful the longer I think about them. Truth becomes fiction, fiction becomes truth, the seductive grey areas in-between an orgy of carnivorous beguilements that lead both to Heaven and to Hell in equal measure, Chan-wook delivering a marvel of storytelling sleight of hand worthy of euphoric admiration.

The Handmaiden is a glorious achievement, one filled with a number of unparalleled delights that only get richer and more meaningful the longer I think about them. Truth becomes fiction, fiction becomes truth, the seductive grey areas in-between an orgy of carnivorous beguilements that lead both to Heaven and to Hell in equal measure, Chan-wook delivering a marvel of storytelling sleight of hand worthy of euphoric admiration.

Moonlight (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 4th, 2016 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

Moonlight is a masterpiece.

Moonlight is a masterpiece.

Trolls (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 4th, 2016 - Movie Reviews

None of it is enough to make me ever want to give Trolls another chance, of course, the film so obnoxiously unappetizing the thought of sitting through it again makes my skin crawl. I didn’t like it, not at all, and while I’m certain there are kids out there who will undoubtedly feel differently don’t expect me to sing a different tune on the matter anytime soon.

None of it is enough to make me ever want to give Trolls another chance, of course, the film so obnoxiously unappetizing the thought of sitting through it again makes my skin crawl. I didn’t like it, not at all, and while I’m certain there are kids out there who will undoubtedly feel differently don’t expect me to sing a different tune on the matter anytime soon.

Closet Monster (2015)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 28th, 2016 - Film Festivals Movie Reviews

There’s a heck of a lot to like about writer/director Stephen Dunn’s feature-length narrative debut Closet Monster. It’s an intriguing film, one that has more to say about sexuality and gender than it initially appears, things revolving around a main character who exhibits a ton of genre stereotypes only to burst free of most of them as the story rolls along to its conclusion.

There’s a heck of a lot to like about writer/director Stephen Dunn’s feature-length narrative debut Closet Monster. It’s an intriguing film, one that has more to say about sexuality and gender than it initially appears, things revolving around a main character who exhibits a ton of genre stereotypes only to burst free of most of them as the story rolls along to its conclusion.

Inferno (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 28th, 2016 - Movie Reviews

Inferno might not be terrible, but that’s not saying much. Here’s hoping all involved are done making these Dan Brown adaptations, because I seriously doubt I have the desire or the energy to try and sit through another one anytime soon.

Inferno might not be terrible, but that’s not saying much. Here’s hoping all involved are done making these Dan Brown adaptations, because I seriously doubt I have the desire or the energy to try and sit through another one anytime soon.

“Certain Women” – Interview with Kelly Reichardt

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 26th, 2016 - Interviews

“I do hope, in light of all the hostility in our world right now, that people see something about community, about togetherness and about women, that they haven’t thought about in a little while, and that they see how we are all connected even if we don’t realize it. I want us all to be looking out for one another.”

“I do hope, in light of all the hostility in our world right now, that people see something about community, about togetherness and about women, that they haven’t thought about in a little while, and that they see how we are all connected even if we don’t realize it. I want us all to be looking out for one another.”

Nerve (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 26th, 2016 - Blu-ray and DVD

Nerve doesn’t work, but it does have a number of solid moments, while Roberts delivers one of the better performances of her still young career. Lionsgate’s Blu-ray presentation is solid across the board, and I seriously doubt fans will be even moderately disappointed if they choose to add the title to their personal libraries.

Nerve doesn’t work, but it does have a number of solid moments, while Roberts delivers one of the better performances of her still young career. Lionsgate’s Blu-ray presentation is solid across the board, and I seriously doubt fans will be even moderately disappointed if they choose to add the title to their personal libraries.

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