The Good Liar (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 15th, 2019 - Movie Reviews

Because Condon and Hatcher don’t drop any hints or noticeable clues as to what is going on this character-driven mystery comes perilously close to transforming into a ‘70s-style exploitation thriller for the AARP set, which might have been fine had I felt The Good Liar earned such a pivotal change in tone.

Because Condon and Hatcher don’t drop any hints or noticeable clues as to what is going on this character-driven mystery comes perilously close to transforming into a ‘70s-style exploitation thriller for the AARP set, which might have been fine had I felt The Good Liar earned such a pivotal change in tone.

The Report (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 15th, 2019 - Movie Reviews

Burns has delivered a pulse-pounding procedural I could not resist, and I can’t help but think that audiences of all political persuasions will end up feeling the same just as long as they can put their differences aside in order to give The Report a look.

Burns has delivered a pulse-pounding procedural I could not resist, and I can’t help but think that audiences of all political persuasions will end up feeling the same just as long as they can put their differences aside in order to give The Report a look.

Charlie’s Angels (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 14th, 2019 - Movie Reviews

Charlie’s Angels is a celebration of diversity and empowerment that had me grinning like a happy 10-year-old.

Charlie’s Angels is a celebration of diversity and empowerment that had me grinning like a happy 10-year-old.

Paradise Hills (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 1st, 2019 - Movie Reviews

While there’s the high probability that Paradise Hills will grow on me on re-watch, as magnificent as the visual elements are and as strong as the social commentary might be, that’s not near enough to overcome the places where this motion picture falls disappointingly flat.

While there’s the high probability that Paradise Hills will grow on me on re-watch, as magnificent as the visual elements are and as strong as the social commentary might be, that’s not near enough to overcome the places where this motion picture falls disappointingly flat.

Black and Blue (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 24th, 2019 - Movie Reviews

I walked out of the promo screening a little angry, disappointed that Taylor’s Black and Blue never lived up to the potential it so deftly showcased for much of its 108-minute running time.

I walked out of the promo screening a little angry, disappointed that Taylor’s Black and Blue never lived up to the potential it so deftly showcased for much of its 108-minute running time.

Trick (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 17th, 2019 - Movie Reviews

Trick isn’t much of a Halloween treat, and like a sour apple stuffed with razor blades washing the bad taste of this one out of my mouth is going to be difficult to do.

Trick isn’t much of a Halloween treat, and like a sour apple stuffed with razor blades washing the bad taste of this one out of my mouth is going to be difficult to do.

Gemini Man (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 10th, 2019 - Movie Reviews

Gemini Man is the type of high-concept idea that were a dime a dozen back in the 1990s.

Gemini Man is the type of high-concept idea that were a dime a dozen back in the 1990s.

Low Tide (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 4th, 2019 - Movie Reviews

Low Tide did just enough to keep me wanting to know what was going to happen next and to find out whether or not brothers Alan and Peter would be able to keep from drowning in the tumultuous sea of bad decisions they were swimming in.

Low Tide did just enough to keep me wanting to know what was going to happen next and to find out whether or not brothers Alan and Peter would be able to keep from drowning in the tumultuous sea of bad decisions they were swimming in.

Joker (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 2nd, 2019 - Movie Reviews

Joker wasn’t for me, and even if I were to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight and have a sudden desire to watch the world burn that still doesn’t mean I see my opinion changing anytime soon.

Joker wasn’t for me, and even if I were to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight and have a sudden desire to watch the world burn that still doesn’t mean I see my opinion changing anytime soon.

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