The Apparition (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 24th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

The Apparition is a tediously uninspired ghostly mess, and in the cold light of day the wonder isn’t why it took so long for Warner Bros to put it into general release, but instead why they felt the need to do so at all.

The Apparition is a tediously uninspired ghostly mess, and in the cold light of day the wonder isn’t why it took so long for Warner Bros to put it into general release, but instead why they felt the need to do so at all.

Premium Rush (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 24th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Premium Rush is worth the price of admission and then some, this flick a two-wheeled thrill ride I can’t wait to see again.

Premium Rush is worth the price of admission and then some, this flick a two-wheeled thrill ride I can’t wait to see again.

Compliance (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 17th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

It’s bravura filmmaking, and without question Compliance is one of the finest features I’ll likely see in all of 2012.

It’s bravura filmmaking, and without question Compliance is one of the finest features I’ll likely see in all of 2012.

Cosmopolis (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 17th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Cosmopolis may be a mess, but it’s still something of a glorious one, and for those willing to take the ride they’ll have ridden shotgun in a journey they’re unlikely to forget anytime soon.

Cosmopolis may be a mess, but it’s still something of a glorious one, and for those willing to take the ride they’ll have ridden shotgun in a journey they’re unlikely to forget anytime soon.

The Bourne Legacy (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 10th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

It’s all a great deal of fun, but there is also no avoiding that The Bourne Legacy, an expansion of the universe begun with The Bourne Identity, does feel a bit inconsequential.

It’s all a great deal of fun, but there is also no avoiding that The Bourne Legacy, an expansion of the universe begun with The Bourne Identity, does feel a bit inconsequential.

Total Recall (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 3rd, 2012 - Movie Reviews

There is something so rudimentary about all of the running, jumping, falling, kicking and punching, something so tired about all the crashes, booms and bangs, the resulting two-hours of this new Total Recall have an oddly antiseptic quality which makes the subsequent film instantly, and somewhat ironically, forgettable.

There is something so rudimentary about all of the running, jumping, falling, kicking and punching, something so tired about all the crashes, booms and bangs, the resulting two-hours of this new Total Recall have an oddly antiseptic quality which makes the subsequent film instantly, and somewhat ironically, forgettable.

The Watch (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - July 27th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

While the movie does have its share of laughs, and even though there are some inspired moments, overall The Watch is a shockingly middling affair that oftentimes feels haphazardly slapped together.

While the movie does have its share of laughs, and even though there are some inspired moments, overall The Watch is a shockingly middling affair that oftentimes feels haphazardly slapped together.

The Woman in the Fifth (2011)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 15th, 2012 - Film Festivals Movie Reviews

The Woman in the Fifth is as coldly obtuse and emotionally distant as anything I’ve had the misfortune to come across this year.

The Woman in the Fifth is as coldly obtuse and emotionally distant as anything I’ve had the misfortune to come across this year.

God Bless America (2011)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 11th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

God Bless America comes out guns blazing, and even if all the targets don’t get hit just enough of them do the satirical end result is nothing less than lethal.

God Bless America comes out guns blazing, and even if all the targets don’t get hit just enough of them do the satirical end result is nothing less than lethal.

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