More than just an important piece of history, Lincoln is an enthralling sojourn into the mind of a leader driven to keep his nation intact and willing to do virtually anything to ensure those all residing within its borders achieve equality.
A Royal Affair is a tale of friendship, love and sacrifice the entire world needs to become more intimately familiar with.
A second half twist takes things down a path I never could have anticipated, Meir moving Sister into noir-like territory that forced me to sit up straight and pay closer attention to all that was happening.
Smashed tells a familiar story with subtle simplicity, never beating the audience over the head with its themes or ideas.
Flight isn’t an easy sit. It doesn’t offer up comforting answers to the many questions it raises or deal in exaggerated platitudes an audience might find simplistically comforting.
Chasing Mavericks comes amazingly close to being a very good film.
I was hypnotized by Cloud Atlas.
The Sessions a towering testament to the enduring power of the human spirit and accordingly should not be missed.
“I’m never satisfied. I always want more. I want to be able to achieve that vision I had when the film was just an image in my mind.”
– Andrea Arnold