Red Cliff (2008)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 25th, 2009 - Movie Reviews

As for the action, Red Cliff shows once again that when he’s working at the top of his game there is no better maestro of this sort of thing than John Woo.

As for the action, Red Cliff shows once again that when he’s working at the top of his game there is no better maestro of this sort of thing than John Woo.

Pierrot Le Fou (1965) – Criterion Collection

by Sara Michelle Fetters - September 22nd, 2009 - Blu-ray and DVD

Pierrot le Fou is frustrating and annoying, yes, but it is also spectacular and thought-provoking and features a spellbinding performance from Anna Karina.

Pierrot le Fou is frustrating and annoying, yes, but it is also spectacular and thought-provoking and features a spellbinding performance from Anna Karina.

CHE (2008)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 25th, 2008 - Movie Reviews

It’s an epic film I think is only going to improve as time goes by, and as cinematic revolutions go Che ranks up there as one of the ambitious director’s crowning achievements.

It’s an epic film I think is only going to improve as time goes by, and as cinematic revolutions go Che ranks up there as one of the ambitious director’s crowning achievements.

The Edge of Heaven (2007)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 6th, 2008 - Film Festivals Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

The Edge of Heaven isn’t just a movie to watch, it’s also one to cherish.

The Edge of Heaven isn’t just a movie to watch, it’s also one to cherish.

There Will Be Blood (2007)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 25th, 2007 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

There Will Be Blood is a singular achievement, and while the feelings the film generates are ones contaminated with disgust and revulsion, the discussions they also promote are certain to last for a lifetime.

There Will Be Blood is a singular achievement, and while the feelings the film generates are ones contaminated with disgust and revulsion, the discussions they also promote are certain to last for a lifetime.

Atonement (2007)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - December 7th, 2007 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

Atonement is a revelation, maybe even an instant classic.

Atonement is a revelation, maybe even an instant classic.

No Country for Old Men (2007)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 9th, 2007 - Four-Star Corner Movie Reviews

Within the framework of this film it truly is No Country for Old Men, and as that harsh realization presents itself the only emotion left is a form of quietly overpowering grief.

Within the framework of this film it truly is No Country for Old Men, and as that harsh realization presents itself the only emotion left is a form of quietly overpowering grief.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 5th, 2007 - Movie Reviews

This is one epic I will not soon forget, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford a meditative stunner I am certain to revisit many times in the not-so-distant future.

This is one epic I will not soon forget, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford a meditative stunner I am certain to revisit many times in the not-so-distant future.

Eastern Promises (2007)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - September 14th, 2007 - Movie Reviews

Eastern Promises is one of the year’s best motion pictures.

Eastern Promises is one of the year’s best motion pictures.

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