Arrival (2016)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - November 11th, 2016 - Movie Reviews

Time is never what it appears yet always remains of the essence no matter what transpires, Arrival inhabiting that place between the seconds where the future is an imaginative possibility and hope is the improbable foundation greatness is built upon.

Time is never what it appears yet always remains of the essence no matter what transpires, Arrival inhabiting that place between the seconds where the future is an imaginative possibility and hope is the improbable foundation greatness is built upon.

Predestination (2015)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - January 9th, 2015 - Movie Reviews

Predestination, as whacky, odd and haphazard as it oftentimes might be, is just a heck of a lot of brain-twisting fun.

Predestination, as whacky, odd and haphazard as it oftentimes might be, is just a heck of a lot of brain-twisting fun.

"Transcendence" Warner Bros.

Transcendence (2014)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - April 18th, 2014 - Movie Reviews

That Transcendence doesn’t ultimately work is decidedly a problem but that doesn’t make the experience of watching it any less riveting, and as failures go this is arguably one I’ll be thinking about and pondering for many months to come.

That Transcendence doesn’t ultimately work is decidedly a problem but that doesn’t make the experience of watching it any less riveting, and as failures go this is arguably one I’ll be thinking about and pondering for many months to come.

Alex Cross (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - October 19th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Alex Cross is a bad film, and that’s all there is to say on the matter.

Alex Cross is a bad film, and that’s all there is to say on the matter.

House at the End of the Street (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - September 21st, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Early on House at the End of the Street had me intrigued. By the midsection I was completely captivated by it. But by the end? By that point I was ready to throw things at the screen and howl my disapproval at how wildly off the rails this Hitchcockian enterprise in suspense and terror had suddenly become.

Early on House at the End of the Street had me intrigued. By the midsection I was completely captivated by it. But by the end? By that point I was ready to throw things at the screen and howl my disapproval at how wildly off the rails this Hitchcockian enterprise in suspense and terror had suddenly become.

Cosmopolis (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 17th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

Cosmopolis may be a mess, but it’s still something of a glorious one, and for those willing to take the ride they’ll have ridden shotgun in a journey they’re unlikely to forget anytime soon.

Cosmopolis may be a mess, but it’s still something of a glorious one, and for those willing to take the ride they’ll have ridden shotgun in a journey they’re unlikely to forget anytime soon.

ParaNorman (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 17th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

The moral of this story is universal and, especially in a heated election season filled with double-speak, specious innuendo and outright lies, everyone everywhere should listen to.

The moral of this story is universal and, especially in a heated election season filled with double-speak, specious innuendo and outright lies, everyone everywhere should listen to.

The Bourne Legacy (2012)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - August 10th, 2012 - Movie Reviews

It’s all a great deal of fun, but there is also no avoiding that The Bourne Legacy, an expansion of the universe begun with The Bourne Identity, does feel a bit inconsequential.

It’s all a great deal of fun, but there is also no avoiding that The Bourne Legacy, an expansion of the universe begun with The Bourne Identity, does feel a bit inconsequential.

The Woman in the Fifth (2011)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - June 15th, 2012 - Film Festivals Movie Reviews

The Woman in the Fifth is as coldly obtuse and emotionally distant as anything I’ve had the misfortune to come across this year.

The Woman in the Fifth is as coldly obtuse and emotionally distant as anything I’ve had the misfortune to come across this year.

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