The High Note (2020)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 28th, 2020 - Movie Reviews

The High Note is so much fun to watch any issues I have keep evaporating into the ether almost as if they never existed in the first place.

The High Note is so much fun to watch any issues I have keep evaporating into the ether almost as if they never existed in the first place.

The Vast of Night (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 28th, 2020 - Movie Reviews

The Vast of Night is a fast-paced genre excursion into the mysterious unknown. It held me breathlessly spellbound for almost 90 minutes, the haunting nature of the questions it enthusiastically asks as prescient and as essential now as they ever were back during the McCarthyism 1950s time period in which this tale is set.

The Vast of Night is a fast-paced genre excursion into the mysterious unknown. It held me breathlessly spellbound for almost 90 minutes, the haunting nature of the questions it enthusiastically asks as prescient and as essential now as they ever were back during the McCarthyism 1950s time period in which this tale is set.

Military Wives (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 22nd, 2020 - Movie Reviews

Cattaneo’s latest was a balm for my soul, injecting a dollop of joy into my heart while a happy tear or two ran down the side of my cheek. I liked Military Wives, and I’m happy to sing its praises as vociferously as I can.

Cattaneo’s latest was a balm for my soul, injecting a dollop of joy into my heart while a happy tear or two ran down the side of my cheek. I liked Military Wives, and I’m happy to sing its praises as vociferously as I can.

Proximity (2020)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 22nd, 2020 - Movie Reviews

Proximity is a visually striking disappointment, and as far as close encounters go this is one I’m not going to be ruminating on in any sort of detail anytime soon.

Proximity is a visually striking disappointment, and as far as close encounters go this is one I’m not going to be ruminating on in any sort of detail anytime soon.

War of the Worlds (2005) (4K Ultra HD)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 18th, 2020 - 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray and DVD

Holy freaking cow the technical aspects of this 4K Ultra HD version of Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds are nothing less than dazzling. From an audio-visual standpoint, this disc is perfect.

Holy freaking cow the technical aspects of this 4K Ultra HD version of Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds are nothing less than dazzling. From an audio-visual standpoint, this disc is perfect.

“A Good Woman Is Hard to Find” – Interview with Abner Pastoll

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 15th, 2020 - Interviews

“When I read the script, Sarah Bolger is pretty much the only person I could see in the lead role.”
– Abner Pastoll

“When I read the script, Sarah Bolger is pretty much the only person I could see in the lead role.”
– Abner Pastoll

A Good Woman Is Hard to Find (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 8th, 2020 - Movie Reviews

A Good Woman Is Hard to Find is easy to love, and from its rough pugilistic edges to its unvarnished cutthroat emotions there’s not a single facet of it that I don’t want to stand up and applaud.

A Good Woman Is Hard to Find is easy to love, and from its rough pugilistic edges to its unvarnished cutthroat emotions there’s not a single facet of it that I don’t want to stand up and applaud.

How to Build a Girl (2019)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 8th, 2020 - Movie Reviews

How to Build a Girl made me happy, and right now that’s one positive I’m not about to close my ears to.

How to Build a Girl made me happy, and right now that’s one positive I’m not about to close my ears to.

Spaceship Earth (2020)

by Sara Michelle Fetters - May 8th, 2020 - Movie Reviews

Spaceship Earth adds an intriguing dimension to ideas of self-isolation and the ways humans respond to confinement in the face of ecological disaster, pondering questions like these feeling fairly appropriate when considering current events.

Spaceship Earth adds an intriguing dimension to ideas of self-isolation and the ways humans respond to confinement in the face of ecological disaster, pondering questions like these feeling fairly appropriate when considering current events.

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